Saint Rita Parish is a stewardship church; which means we are actively involved and committed to the principles of being “good stewards” of all of God's varied gifts and graces.
Each of us has been blessed with special talents and gifts from God; these talents and gifts are not given to us just for our own use, but are given to us for the enrichment of the lives of others in order for us to serve God better.
Jesus asks us to do His works, in our community and in His Church; works such as,
● Visit the sick and elderly ● Console the lonely and sorrowful
● Feed the hungry ● Give a helping hand and a kind word
● Teach those who want to learn
Saint Paul writes in Romans 12:6, "since we have gifts that differ according to the grace given to us, let us exercise them."
Saint Peter teaches, “As each one has received a gift, use it to serve one another as good stewards of God’s varied grace.” (Peter 4:10)
So, what are those “gifts” Saint Peter and Saint Paul call on us to exercise and use? Are they the natural talents and abilities with which I was born, or are they something all-together different?
As disciples of Jesus Christ, we are called to discern our spiritual gifts; doing so is the foundation of “missionary discipleship.”
The good news is we have help.
The Cleveland Catholic Diocese through the Office of Missionary Discipleship offers a “spiritual gifts discernment” resource entitled, “Called by the Spirit.”
The Called by the Spirit Gifts Inventory is a step-by-step process under the guidance of the Holy Spirit that will help one prayerfully identify those gifts with which we have been graced. Even if you have undergone a spiritual gifts discernment in the past, this program is still for you.
Click here for the Cleveland Diocese Spiritual Discernment Program
Sharing the gifts and talents God has blessed us, strengthens the Church and its mission.
Saint Rita Parish offers a vibrant and varied assortment of ministries and activities in which we can serve.
If you are not currently active in a ministry or are new to the parish, we encourage you to get connected. It’s easy to do.
- Review the Catalog of Saint Rita Parish Ministries. Here you will find a brief description of each ministry and their contact information.
- If interested in one or more ministries, but would like more information; click the “Learn More” button. A person from that ministry (or ministries) will contact you.
Ministry participation is a great way to build friendships; make a meaningful difference in people’s lives; and give thanks to Jesus.
To determine how, when, or where you can become an active steward in the parish community, we invite you to:
1. Review the Called by the Spirit Gifts Inventory
2. Score the results of your assessment with the Inventory Response Form
3. Review your talents and time in the Gift Descriptions Form
4. Review the Catalog of Saint Rita Parish Ministries and learn how you can become involved in stewardship and service to your parish community.
Again, if you'd like to learn more about a particular ministry, please click the button below and someone will be in contact with you!
Parish contact: Albie Leko