People Helping People

Sacrament of Marriage


Congratulations on your engagement! Please contact one of the Parish priests or deacons to discuss arrangements before setting a date. Parishioners of Saint Rita Parish need to be registered and active members before requesting a date for marriage. Preparation ordinarily requires at least six months.

The PreCana ministry is a marriage preparation program that is required of all engaged couples who wish to be married in the Catholic faith. The program focuses on the issues that will confront newly married couples and how they can learn to work within the challenges of life in the 21st century.

The PreCana work team consists of twelve married couples who share life experiences with the engaged couples. Each sharing is based on personal experiences and topics such as the spirituality of marriage, finances, communication, conflict resolution, and more. The team members are not considered to be marriage experts, but rather use life experiences to guide newlyweds towards a long and happy marriage!

Saint Rita Parish hosts a Pre Cana Retreat annually in the spring, and the 2024 date is Saturday, March 16, 2024. This one-day marriage preparation program satisfies Diocesan requirements. A continental breakfast, lunch buffet, and plated dinner are included. Registration is required, and the cost is $90 per couple. No refunds.

Pre Cana Resources

The Five Love Languages: Take this quiz to discover your primary love language, what it means, and how you can use it to better connect with your loved ones.

Natural Family Planning and Fertility Awareness: Natural family planning (NFP) is fertility awareness, which is simply knowledge of a couple’s fertility. 

Northeast Ohio Natural Family Planning

Pre-Cana contacts: Drew and Heidi Samuto

Saint Rita Wedding Guidelines

Saint Rita Wedding Checklist

Saint Rita Wedding Worksheet

Sacrament of Marriage contacts: Fr. Thomas Behrend