People Helping People

Children's Liturgy of the Word (CLOW)

The Children's Liturgy of the Word (CLOW) Ministry is aimed at inspiring our youngest parishioners with Jesus' message. CLOW is held during the 10:45am Mass weekly. All parishioners ages 4-9 are invited to join their peers to break open the word! 



Session Facilitators

  • Process children back to Saint Mark Chapel
  • Read the adapted scripture from the Children's Missal
  • Prepare and engage children in a discussion, activity, and reflection based on the Gospel message

Session Assistants

  • Accompany children to Saint Mark Chapel
  • Help the facilitator to encourage children engagement and attend to children's needs
  • Monitor the Mass in the main church to determine the conclusion of CLOW


For more information on Volunteering as a Session Facilitator or Session Assistant, please contact George Peko at gpeko@stritaparish.com

Parish contact: Mr. George Peko