People Helping People

Liturgical Ministers

Adult Altar Servers
Men and women of any age are welcome to serve in this ministry. They will assist at one weekend liturgy, plus funerals and other special liturgies.

Youth Altar Servers
Any child that has completed the 4th grade or older is invited to serve the altar at our parish liturgies. Training sessions are announced each spring.

We will begin training new Altar Servers this summer. Please select one of five different sessions, and contact George Peko to register your child.

Eucharistic Ministers
You are invited to serve our parish community as extraordinary ministers of the body and blood of Christ at daily, weekly, and special liturgies. Ministers also provide the Eucharist to the home-bound and local nursing homes. The Diocese of Cleveland provides training twice a year.

At each Mass, two Lectors are typically instituted to proclaim the readings from Sacred Scripture, with the exception of the Gospel.

Ushers and Greeters
You are invited to meet, greet, and assist in seating churchgoers at our liturgies. Ushers also take up the collection and distribute bulletins after Mass. Teens and adults are invited to join this ministry.

Ministry Schedule

Parish contact: Mr. George Peko