People Helping People

Music Ministry

The Adult Choir is open to all members of the parish who can carry a tune in a bucket! Rehearsals are at 7:00pm on Wednesday evenings. The Adult Choir sings primarily at the 10:30am Mass each Sunday. 

The Bell Choir meets Mondays at 7:00pm. The Bell Choir plays at various Masses as scheduled, approximately once per month. This ministry is open to adults and students in fifth grade and above. Music reading skills are recommended. The choir is directed by Ms. Andie Bell.

The Children's Choir is open to all children of the parish, regardless of school affiliation. They rehearse at 6:00pm monthly on the Wednesday before the monthly Family Mass. The Children's Choir will sing at the 10:30am Family Mass which occurs on the third Sunday of each month. New members must fill out a photo release and membership form.

Instrumentalists include parish teens (10th grade and up) and adults who are proficient on their given instrument.  Rehearsals and Masses are scheduled with the Music Director.

Parish contact: Mr. David Jaronowski