The Saint Rita Parish School of Religion (PSR) addresses the needs of students as they grow in their faith. We offer programs that help children to:
- know the Lord
- grow in their Catholic Faith
- participate in the life of the parish community
The program is also designed to help parents to:
- be the first educators of their children in the life of the Church
- prepare their children for the reception of Reconciliation, Eucharist, and Confirmation
2024-2025 PSR registration cost: $110/child
Program Options (Students in grades K-6)
1. Weekly PSR - Weekly Sunday mornings, 9:30am - 10:30am in the Saint Rita Middle School
2. Family PSR - One Sunday per month; 2 sessions available: 8:15am - 10:15am or 10:30am - 12:30pm in Mazanec Hall (limited to 20 families for each session; first come, first served)
PSR Program (Students in grades 7-9)
1. Junior High Faith Formation (Students in grades 7 & 8) - Weekly Tuesday evenings, 5:30pm - 6:30pm in Saint Mark Chapel and Conference Center
2. High School Faith Formation (Students in grade 9) - Weekly Tuesday evenings, 7:00pm - 8:00pm in Saint Mark Chapel and Conference Center
Sacrament Prep (First Communion and Confirmation Candidates)
Candidates that are preparing for First Holy Communion (incoming 2nd graders) and the Sacrament of Confirmation (incoming 9th graders) will attend additional weekly sessions to become catechiezed and prepare their minds and hearts as they prepare for these Sacraments. Registration is required.
Become a Catechist!
The Saint Rita PSR programs is made possible by the benevolence and participation of Catechist volunteers. Saint Rita Parish invites you to share your love of Jesus with our children and teens! Previous teaching experience is NOT required, nor do you need to know every detail of the Church! Will you answer God's call? Please click the link below and someone from the Parish Office will contact you. If you serve as a Catechist, the registration cost of PSR is waived for your child(ren).
Top 10 Reasons to Become a Catechist
1. The best way to learn is to teach.
2. You will teach the truth of the faith.
3. Sharing the faith is an honor.
4. Your own faith will be ignited!
5. You will become an active part of the parish community.
6. You will make new friends.
7. It is an opportunity to practice stewardship.
8. You show your own family that you value religious education.
9. It is FUN!
10. It is what we are called to do. Jesus sends us to, "go, therefore, and make disciples of all nations."
Parish contact: Mrs. Chrissie Cola