Calling All Parishioners looking for something to enrich the second half of their lives are invited to join the Saint Rita Empty Nesters group! Don't let the name fool you - even if you don't have an empty nest, this is a great opportunity to connect with other adults who are 50 and over in ways that are centered in Jesus Christ.
The Empty Nesters organization boasts roughly 60 members, both singles and couples. The group offers a full calendar of social activities year round. All activities are suggested, planned, organized, and directed by our members.
Empty Nesters are known for their love of food, zest for life, and passion for Jesus Christ! If you decide to join the group, we promise that you will make new friends and share laughs, great food and the love of God. Here are just a few examples of what we do:
Break bread together at least once a month, enjoying restaurant meals and potluck parties
Prayerfully explore the outdoors, like breakfast in the park and nature outings
Care for one another, share the joy of family accomplishments and milestones, serve, visit and pray for each other in times of sickness and grief
Enrich our minds through cultural and educational experiences lik community theatre plays, museum exhibits, and operas
Parish contact: Johanna Langham